
180 day balance calculation

The services that can be validated at the IZYS Fund also include services that require our fund members to deposit the balance 180 days earlier. 

These services are the following:

  • Childbirth and adoption
  • CSED/GYED/GYES annuity supplement
  • Ours childrens’ schooling
    • Kindergarten
    • School
    • University/college
  • Retirement home placing financing
  • Annuity supplement for the disabled 
  • Jobseeker’s allowance supplement 
  • Home loan repayment 
  • Funeral costs

The process of calculating the 180-day balance:

Procedure written out in steps 


1. We look at what the lowest daily closing balance is during the last 180 days
(eg. today is 08 July so we look at the lowest closing balance between 09 January and 08 July) 
the lowest daily closing balance during the last 180 days is
HUF 100,000 
2. To the amount available in the previous point, we add the yield and tax credit return received during the last 180 days (between 09 January and 08 July) + Yield
HUF 6,000 
+ Tax credit return
HUF 20,000 
3. From that amount we deduct the amount used for a 180-day service in the last 180 days (between 09 January and 08 July)  
IMPORTANT! If the result obtained here is negative, we take the result as zero because we do not calculate a negative balance.  

HUF – 21,000 
for children’s clothing

 Given daily 180-day balance  HUF 105,000