Membership fees


Our fund’s membership base fee is 5000 Ft per month. To become a member and uphold that membership at our fund, it is required that, at a minimum, the base fee is paid to form a membership relationship. Naturally, alongside the base fee, you are welcome to make additional payments to your account. After individual payments, a very high, 20% personal income tax tax credit can be acquired.  

IMPORTANT! The base fee is not an expense on your end, but a deposit into your account! By joining the fund, the entrant undertakes to pay the basic membership fee. 4,705 Ft of your base fee will be deposited into your account, meaning you can turn that large percentage of your base fee towards the purchasing of different services and products.  

The frequency of your membership fee payments can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual. 

Primarily, you are able to use the money that is on your account for your services and the purchasing of  products. If the member uses their card to purchase a good or service, the amount of the card purchase will be deducted from that transaction, but if you submit a cash invoice to our Cashier for settlement, we will also deduct the consideration for the cash account from this amount and transfer it to your retail current account.

Our Fund covers operating expenses from the operating reserve. The liquidity reserve is used to ensure the solvency of the Fund.

Of the one-thousandth credited on a solidarity basis, members in particularly poor living conditions are supported by the Fund. All our members with at least one year of membership can be entitled to a joint and partial service.

Membership fee payment options 

Employer membership fee payment

An employer can pay a fund membership fee to its employees as a fringe benefit. The amount of the employer’s contribution and the terms of payment are included in the employer’s contract concluded between the Fund and the employer.

Individual membership fee payment, the different methods available 

By bank transfer: the fund member gives an occasional or permanent transfer authorization to the bank holding their account to transfer the membership fee.

The number of our fund’s bank account with CIB Bank:
Please indicate your name and member ID or tax number. 

By direct debit:   the fund member gives a direct debit authorization on the form requested from the Fund and instructs the Fund to regularly deduct the membership fee undertaken. Another way to issue a direct debit authorization: You authorize your bank to allow the fund to collect direct debits from your account and then notify customer service via email.

Online card payment: the fund member initiates an online payment by debiting their bank card under the E-payment menu item. 

Employer bank transfer: the fund member authorizes their employer to deduct the amount of the membership fee from their net salary and transfer it to their Fund account.