Corporate Őrangyal program

By acquiring the Corporate Őrangyal (guardian angel ) program, employers can take care of their employees in significantly favourable conditions. 

In the Corporate Őrangyal program, services are community-funded services that operate on an insurance basis. That is, the amount paid to employees cannot be spent by employees, but in the event of an accident, illness, or other unforeseen events, they receive more help than the amount the company has paid them so far.

These services are provided by the Fund in accordance with Act XCVI of 1993 on Voluntary Mutual Insurance Funds. provided by law as a community service. The IZYS Health and Self-Help Fund – and thus the service provided within the framework of the Őrangyal – is not covered by Act LXXXVIII of 2014 on Insurance Activities. subject to the law. 


Advantages of the Corporate Őrangyal (guardian angel) program 

You can take care of your employees in a way that does not weigh down on the company’s budget but ensures that the employees gain a valuable commission. 

We recommend this service to those employers who feel responsible for their employees and want to support them in difficult times. 

The company can pay tax and commission-free.

It is not required that one gives to all their employees, it is possible to narrow down the circle of people that will receive a commission. 


The services and their amounts offered under the Coporate Őrangyal program: 

  • High-value imaging diagnostics HUF 500,000 / year
  • Rehabilitation in case of critical illness HUF 2,000,000 – supplemented with coronavirus
  • One-day surgery 500,000 HUF / year
  • Accidental disability HUF 3,000,000
  • Accident assistance HUF 300,000
  • Sick pay for more than 60 days HUF 300,000
  • Hospital daily fee 2,500 HUF / day from the first day
  • Bone fracture 100,000 HUF
  • Medication reimbursement up to HUF 150,000
  • Pregnancy ultrasound
  • Stem cell withdrawal 65,000 HUFFlask program 200,000 HUF
  • Fetal loss HUF 375,000
  • Home loan repayment HUF 523,440
  • Raising children 290,800 HUF / child
  • Sports season ticket HUF 100,000 / year
  • Funeral cost HUF 150,000
  • Fire and elemental damage to residential property HUF 250,000 / damage event


Contracting process

The process of concluding the contract

The employer must enter targeted self-help fund service contract with the Fund. 

Employees who receive the benefit must become members of the fund if they are not already. To become a member you must complete the entry form which you can do on paper or online. (After filling it in, you will receive it by e-mail in pdf format. It must be sent in print and signed.)

In the case of mass entry, we fill in the entry forms if we receive the employees’ data in an excel template. The template can be requested from our colleagues through the [email protected] email address. 

Payment and declaration 

Simultaneously with the start of the transfers, the employees’ names, tax identification, or member identification number as well as the amount of the benefit must be sent to one of these two email addresses: [email protected] or [email protected]. The excel spreadsheet you can fill out with the data can be found here. 

Fund costs 

The monthly fee for the service is HUF 550 per employee, of which HUF 395 (71.82%) is credited to the community reserve and HUF 155 (28.18%) to the operating reserve. Employees are not obliged to pay a membership fee in addition to the service fee.