High yield

A large amount of capital is forged in the IZYS fund, which allows us to rotate our customers’ savings more efficiently. By investing large sums, most often tens of millions, we can buy government bonds on better interest terms and place deposits with banks at more favourable interest rates than if we were trying to do so with smaller amounts as independent individuals. 

Well-trained and reputable professionals are constantly looking for and researching the opportunities that promise the best returns so that your money yields always under the highest possible interest rates. 

Of course, the highest return does not mean risking savings. On the contrary! The IZYS fund pursues a conservative investment policy, so it invests its members’ savings in only risk-free assets guaranteed by the government. 

Unfortunately, since 2009, almost every saving has been taxed. However, this does not affect ones with an IZYS membership because self-help fund savings are interest-free. 

In addition to being able to increase the amount paid by 20% through the tax refund, you can receive an additional tax credit by tying the amount deposited in the account. Place interest on your taxes! Our members can also reclaim 10% of the amount committed for two years, thus increasing the amount saved.  The more capital you start to spawn, the more you will be able to claim later.  

An added feature of good-long term savings may be that the amount is available without loss if the need arises. When reaching common pitfalls of life, savings at the self-help fund can be liquidated without tax and cost disadvantages. Thus, for example, the loss of a job, the birth of a grandchild, or the schooling of a child should not be a financial problem later on. 

Good to know: