Őrangyal community services

 Everybody needs a Guaridan Angel! 

You and your family do too!


The Őrangyal (guardian angel) is a commiunty service, a Fund service that works on an insurance principle that allows for larger payments regardless of the balance of an individual’s account if a larger life situation arises.

These services are provided by the Fund in accordance with Act. XCVI of 1993 on voluntary Mutual Insurance Funds provided by law as a community service.  The IZYS Health and Self-help Fund – thus the service provided within the framework of the Őrangyal – is not covered by Act LXXXVIII of 2014 on Insurance Activities subject by law. 

Who do we recommended it for?

We have put together a package that not only unilaterally compensates for the deterioration of health but also helps in the event of a childbirth, child-rearing, home loan repayment, funeral, broken/fractured bone, sports, rental, or fire and/or elemental damage in homes as well. 


Lets see what these services are:

(by clicking on the services, you can find out more)


You can view the Őrangyal service summary table by clicking here.  


Things you still may be wondering: (click on the questions to find out more)


How can I join?


This is amazing! Am I able to extend this to my family?


A service as such must be very expensive. Take a look at how much it costs at our fund. 

How can I terminate it?


The information is not exhaustive, for detailed rules please read the Őrangyal Community Service Policy.